Welcome to FoodThing
A sustainable, community-focused Food Co-op committed to healthy living.
Welcome to FoodThing
A sustainable, community-focused Food Co-op committed to healthy living.

About Us
Feeding the Community
FoodThing network is a non-profit mobile food co-op that supplies fresh, and organic food to the community.
Multiple Locations
We have distributions weekly in four locations across Naperville, Aurora, and Lombard.
Caring, Involved Staff
FoodThing is commited to equality, and a sense of community. Our people care, and are very accomodating - we heed dietary restrictions.
Mission Statement
We build better, brighter communities by supplying alternative food, housing and community support and ministries. Our focus is to fulfill needs within the community that are often unmet by traditional services.

Thank you for going above and beyond.
It is so wonderful to see the results of the hard work all of the volunteers do for NCCM. People who might not qualify for other food programs or help are not turned away and are helped not just through the holidays but year round on a weekly basis. If there is a need, this organization will do whatever it takes to meet this need. Thank you to all the hard working volunteers and Christine for going above and beyond.Margaret Q.
Good people doing great things for the community.
When I found myself very short of money during the summer, I decided it was time for me to start exploring other alternatives to buying food. This is an excellent avenue for purchasing the same quality food that I would normally purchase with significantly less cost. This organization is unique because of the increased emphasis in fellowship and good grounded values. I have not only benefited through having low-cost food, but also through the wonderfully friendly people I have met.Volunteer
Me encanta ser volunteer y ayudar en todo lo que puedo.
Para mi realmente ha sido una bendicion al haver conosido este programa de 'FOOD THING'. Hace una gran diferencia cuamdo esta uno pasando por problemas economicos. me encanta ser volunteer y ayudar en todo lo que puedo. Mi esposo tambien es volunteer es algo que hacemos juntos y nos devertimos y aparte nos ayuda anosotros tambien. Conosco mucha gente que le ayuda recibir la comida de gran calidad a un exelente precio. Gracias a todos los que hacen esto posible especialmete a Christine... Gracias :)Alicia L.
FoodThing has been a blessing for my family.
The help of New Community and Food Thing Network has been an incredible blessing to my family the past few months. With my husband being out of work most of this year we had exhausted all other financial resources and were about to wonder where our next week's food would come from. Thankfully, NCCM was there to supply an enormous box of food each week for a nominal fee. The food has been so abundant our fridge and freezer are filled to the brim. The volunteers have always been kind, friendly and helpful. Thanks to NCCM and Food Thing, we have a place to go when we are in a tight financial spot and know we never have to worry about putting food on the table for our family.Annie D.
The FoodThing staff is respectful, understanding, and accomodating.
I joined Food thing Network to complete some court appointed hours. The number of hours that I required were very small therefore most organizations refused to help me. Also, considering my situation, they were exterenly rude. Unlike other places, I found the staff of this organization extremly helpful, understanding, and accomodating. They used my time wisely and judiciously - and not once brought up the court issue. Other than that, I found that the whole system was very well organized and based on a lot of respect. It was a privilege to have worked with this organization. Since then, I have recommended Food Thing Network to several of my friends to volunteer. I don't live in the same city anymore, otherwise I would have continued volunteering. Thank you very much for everything.Volunteer
I wish I could volunteer full-time.
I found out about Food Thing Network through a homeschool friend and deceided to give it a try. I am makeing 1/2 of the money that I was making so now things are tight. I so much enjoyed the things that Christine was doing so I volunteered and am now a team leader. It feels good to give back. I wish that I could do this full time.Tim M.
The Greatest Intentions.
We discovered FoodThing through a friend who knew Christine personally. From the first day Christine treated us like a close family friend and even offered to bring us food on days that we could not make it. Through volunteering and being assisted, we met some great people, friends and got to return the help to people like us who were in need. The FoodThing is a great organization with only the greatest of intentions, which is to help the local communities in any way they can. They helped us during our time of need and for that we will always be grateful. Thank you for everything that you do and everything that you have done for us.Volunteer
FoodThing saved our budget.
I have been unemployed for over a year and having the wife as the sole person working has been tough on our overall budget. The food thing network has been a blessing to my family in this time of need. I don't think our budget would survive if it wasn't for the network.Client served
A big box of healthy food for only six dollars.
We found out about the "foodthing" when we most needed it. We were not getting enough income to buy food. When we heard about the food distributions of New Community Ministries, we decided to try it, and since then it has exceeded our expectations! Not only do we get some fresh organic fruits and veggies, dairy products, pre-made sandwiches, and other goodies from Whole Foods, along with more bread from Panera than we can eat, but also we get this all in a box for only $6. The same amount of food bought at a store would cost us many times more this number. If it were not for this ministry, we would be in a worse place right now. We are thankful for God's provision through Christine's hard work, as well as, through the many volunteers that help out each week. Thank you for helping us survive and stay healthy! We love you!Client served
FoodThing is concerned about the quality of their food.
I got involved with New community Ministeries when i wanted to do some volunteering. I have found that the people that volunteer are very respectful of those people that need help. A lot of the volunteers are also a part of the program which is great because to a lot of people just receiving handouts is a dehumanizing experience. The food bank has healthy food and they are willing to work with peoples dietary needs. They take time out to make sure that all the food provided in each box fits in with not only the dietary needs of a family but also their dietary wants. When so many programs are mainly about the quantity of food they give out it is refreshing to have a food distribution that is concerned about the quality of food they are giving out as well as the quantity. I have seen a lot of people that i know need help but they either are afraid to ask for it or they are afraid of the stigma that a lot of people see as being attached to needing help with food thing and new community counseling and ministries they are able to take a lot of the stigma away. They make all the people the receive their help feel like they are part of a family. Christine is constantly trying to find more ways to help the families that are part of the organization and encouraging new people to join the people being helped. Christine and the other volunteers always want to do more and help as many people as they possible can during the difficult financial times that we are facing. the people that they help are in all different situations and while a lot of the people that they help fall way under the poverty line they will not turn anyone away because they do not meet some specific requirement. Anyone that needs help can get help through the food bank.Volunteer
Determined to help people who normally fall through the cracks.
When I met Christine, I found a woman who is passionate about helping the less fortunate in many respects but who also had a determination to help those who "fall through the cracks". Many people have temporary needs and don't meet the poverty levels required by local state-driven agencies. Christine found a way to find housing, funding and FRESH FOOD for those in need. It's a pleasure to volunteer for a small grass roots organization that's christian-based and not afraid to show it. Seeing the humbled familes come to receive love and donations so they can carry on their lives in this horrific economy. Christine makes opportunities available for volunteers in all aspects, making sure that each volunteer gets to focus on areas in which they are skilled, making best use of the resources. As a result, she has been able to provide a website for people to use to check on food distribution details as well as a place to offer donations (with capabilities of printing receipts at the time the donation is made online). Her passion encompasses a vast area of needs and as a result, has allowed many people who NEED the services and those who are willing to volunteer, follow in her footsteps because they are also passionate about her dreams to serve. Volunteers are not always clients, but clients are always volunteers. This is key in making a succesful organization and each client graciously offers to give back time after time. Fresh Food donations several times a week from Whole Foods and Panera Bread help families eat healthy and allows the ministry to target even those with dietary restrictions. My recommendation is that everyone give what they can to this organization so it may continue to grow and continue to help families in crisis, temporary or otherwise. Christine has a gift of giving and hopefully companies will sponsor The Food Thing Network and New Community Ministries on a regular basis. be blessed~Sherril
Direct service and community empowerment.
Food Thing provides a unique mixture of direct service and empowerment to community members in need. The recipients gain healthy food on a weekly basis through their own effort and energy of a volunteer commitment and a small monetary cost, earning and paying for the benefit rather than being handed something free as a "charity case." In addition, Food Thing's unique system of food collection and distribution means same or next day delivery of the food, ensuring freshness of the vegetables and other perishable items.Bob Price
They treated me with dignity and welcomed me.
I first found out about Food Thing about 2 years ago when my family was going through an incredibly difficult time. My parents had just separated due to domestic abuse and my mom and my siblings and I were struggling to make it financially, as well as needing the encouragement and prayer support that Food Thing and New Community Ministries offered us. I can't tell you what a positive experience the individuals who lead and volunteer in this ministry have made this for us. Before becoming members of the Food Thing Co-op, we had tried out our county food pantry but the experience was so different - we felt dehumanized and like a number waiting to be processed. Additionally, the food was largely comprised of highly processed canned and boxed mixes, deserts and meats, all of which our family chose not to eat for health reasons. Our experience with New Community has been the absolute opposite! Each week when we arrive for pickup, we are treated with dignity and welcomed individually. The team members have made us feel like welcomed friends and the food has been fresh organic produce that we can feel good about putting on the table. Rather than feeling like we had no choices even about such a basic thing as what we would eat, we were able to continue to make dishes that we thought were healthy choices. This ministry is nurturing the wounded and helping them get back on their feet, not just passing out groceries. It truly is a hand up, not just a handout. I now volunteer with the ministry and feel that I am receiving a double blessing by being able to give back in a ministry that I know has such an impact on so many!Volunteer
Good for the spirit, body, and soul.
I knew Christine who is in charge of the New Community Ministries probably a year ago. Her dedication and love for the needed people made me be a volunteer in her great journal. She comes every Thursday to Calvary Church in Naperville to share the food God provides for the Women Spanish Encourage Group. The women are so grateful with God and their faith increase more when they can see a God that take care of them in their 3 areas: Spirit, Soul and Body.Graciela
A hand up, not a hand out.
It is truly encouraging to see a vision come to pass. For so long I have desired to assist others in this area through a REAL program that touches the average person who is otherwise known as working middle class; who, have hit a snag along life's way and to connect them with an entity that would not only provide material goods but have a spiritual side as well. The Food Thing does both in an area where one would assume that people are fairly well off; the truth is everyone could use a hand up...not just a hand out. The Food Thing is so much more than just a food distribution center, it is a place where the local people can bond and take back their lives in various ways. I have seen this program in it's infancy stage where a humble garage serviced a neighborhood and continue to advance because of the founder's good will and her dream. Along with patience and God's Grace so many lives have been blessed. In the beginning there was so much fresh fruits and vegetables we had no way to store it. Now that the volunteer base has increased along with a more solid structure, we can see great achievements in reaching and serving more people.Experienced Food Bank Expert
Worthy of my donation.
I have been impressed with the commitment this charity has toward people in need for food and immediate necessities. As a donor, I have witnessed first hand how my donation has been used, and this charity is worthy!Donor
My whole family started volunteering.
My husband's unemployment put us in a position we never thought we be in. We had been blessed financially for so many years, and had been the ones doing the giving. Now we found ourselves in the position of receiving generosity from others. We were accustomed to eating pretty healthy. Hamburger Helper was not in our pantry. Now, I struggled with how I was going to continue to put healthy meals on our table. Other food pantries or banks, mostly offered canned and highly processed foods. Then one of my best friends, told me about The Food Network (a ministry of New Community Ministries. We again were able to have fresh fruits and vegetables on our table. Even better, they were organic. This really reduced my stress during an otherwise stressful time. Feeding my children healthy food is a priority for me. Soon after becoming a client, me and my whole family started volunteering for the ministry. It was a way to give back and support a cause we believed in. So much food is thrown away every day. This is appalling to me since so many people go hungry every day. This ministry made perfect sense. It kept good food from being thrown away and got it into the hands of people who needed it. What really differentiates New Community Ministries is that it is offering a hand up, not just a hand out. Able bodied clients are expected to volunteer within the ministry somehow. This allows us to keep our dignity and brings positive feelings from helping others. Jesus came to serve not be served and He is our example. New Community Ministries has given us the opportunity to follow Jesus' example. We have volunteered in so many aspects of the ministry. From helping pick up food from the stores donating, to helping at food distributions, to working to keep the ministry vehicles running, to cleaning out refrigerators, to yard work and household repairs at the ministry's house, to collecting donations for the special needs of a client, and most of all praying. I can definitely say New Community Ministries has had the greatest impact on my family during this challenging time. We plan to continue in our partnership way beyond my husband's unemployment. Thank you Christine for all you do!Client served
A wonderful experience on both ends.
I've volunteered and been a client/beneficiary of New Community Ministries. It has been a wonderful experience on both ends. Helping gather food for families in need, such as mine, is a way to spread the blessing of God in a very direct and concrete way. I witnessed a miracle during my volunteer time. Christine had been telling us about a woman who was in need and was going to have a baby that week. As we were about to pull the bus out of a residential neighborhood, a family began bringing baby things out to the curb! We loaded up furniture, play sets, bikes, car seat, strollers, all kinds of fabulous things for a baby boy! It was God's direct intervention.Volunteer
An experience that will stay with us always.
We were out of work when my friend introduced us to this program. We were a bit shy at first as it was hard to accept help. But new community ministeries members made us feel very comfortable. Whole process of packing food ,storing it and then distributing is neat and clean. It helped us in a big way. We could use our resources for other necessties.We seved as volunteers as well and that made us feel as members of community. There was no differtiation over race or any other factor. We were highly impressed by the dedication of members. Christine was always smiling, got involved in our lives. My husband found a job eventually but this experience and memories will stay with us always.Client served